Getresponse Review (2022) — All of the Advantages and Disadvantages

Getresponse Review (2021) — All of the Advantages and Disadvantages

I take a look at a famous email marketing solution and explore its advantages and disadvantages through this thorugh Getresponse review. Is your company right... Or are you supposed to use an alternative?

There are more and more e-mail marketing tools on the market and it is very difficult to select the right one.

Probably because you heard a bit about Getresponse, and you wonder if it's right for your company.

Well, this review of Getresponse can be helped. I will discuss in detail the price of the product, templates, and marketing functions — and I will give you all the verdict.

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Read on to receive, therefore:

An outline of what is and works Getresponse

Price assessment and characteristics

The main reasons for using Getresponse — or preventing it

A good idea of your best scheme

Strong alternatives list

An overview of the answer and how its pricing and features are evaluated
the main reasons for using Getresponse — or preventing it

a good idea of your best scheme

Strong alternatives list

You will have a much clearer idea by the end of this post as to whether this product is right for you – or if it looks elsewhere.

Let's start things with a big question...

What is Getresponse?

Getresponse is an email marketing app that allows you to:

Create and capture mailing list data

Send emails on your mailing list to subscribers

Use 'autoresponder' to automate your emails to subscribers

Statistics on your email campaigns view and analyze - open rate, click-through, forward, etc.

But Getresponse has changed considerably in recent years: now, rather than just an e-mail marketing tool, the product aims more like an 'all-in-one' e-commerce and marketing solution.

All the benefits of the GetResponse Affiliate Program and Landing Page

As a result, Getresponse offers e-commerce features, webinar hosting, landing pages, and automated sales funnels in addition to e-mail marketing.


Ethresponse recently introduced new features that make it more of an all-in-one marketing platform, including the conversion funnels and the hosting of webinars.

has been in business since 1998 and now uses the platform for email campaigns by over 350,000 individuals and companies.

Although this user base is not as large as some other e-mail marketing tools (Mailchimp in particular), it is ample enough to give the trust that the company is well established and will not disappear soon.

Pricing for answers

Four Response Plans are available:

Basic – sending an unlimited number of e-mail up to 1,0 starts at $15 per month

GetResponse pricing

There are four Getresponse plans:

Basic — starting at $15 per month to send an unlimited number of emails to up to 1,000 subscribers

Plus — starting at $49 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers

Professional — starting at $99 per month for up to 1,000 subscribers

Max — negotiable.

As you add more subscribers to your list, the costs increase. At the top end of the scale, you can expect to pay $450, $499, or $580 per month to use Getresponse with a list containing 100,000 subscribers on the ‘Basic’, ‘Plus’, and ‘Professional’ plans (respectively).


GetResponse pricing(2021)

About the “Max” plan, exact pricing is dependent on requirements and list size — if you're interested in this plan, you'll need to contact Getresponse to schedule a demo, discuss your needs, and negotiate to price.

If you pay in advance for 12 or 24 months of service, you can get a decent discount (18 percent and 30 percent respectively).

In addition to the paid plans, a 30-day free trial is also available, which you can access via this link.

Key distinctions between plans

All Getresponse plans cover the email marketing fundamentals you'd expect — key features include:

The capability of importing, growing, and hosting a subscriber list

A variety of themes for your e-newsletters

Autoresponder capability

Responsive email designs

A split test

Pages of landing (
all the benefits of the GetResponse Affiliate Program and Landing Page)

Detailed reporting

RSS to email/blog to email functionality

Options for list segmentation

There are several distinctions between the 'Basic,' 'Plus,' and 'Professional' plans, but the following are the most important to me:

Automation builder — arguably Getresponse’s standout feature, the automation builder (which allows you to build complex autoresponder sequences based on user behavior) is only available on the ‘Plus’ plan or higher (you can create 5 automation on the plus plan; or an unlimited number on the other plans).

Conversion funnels — you get access to more automated sales funnels as you go up the pricing ladder.

Webinars — this functionality is not available at all on the ‘Basic’ plan and the number of webinar attendees is capped for the ‘Plus’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Enterprise’ plans at 100, 300, and 500 respectively.

Team management — you can only have one user account on the ‘Basic’ plan; by contrast, you get 3 on ‘Plus’, 5 on ‘Professional’, and 10 on ‘Enterprise.‘

E-commerce — the abandoned order recovery feature is only available on the ‘Plus’ plan or higher.

As I progress through the review, I'll go over each of these features in greater detail.

How does GetResponse's pricing stack up against that of its competitors?

As long as you are willing to use one of the entry-level ‘Basic' plans, GetResponse's pay-per-month plans are generally less expensive than those offered by many of its key competitors, especially if you have a reasonably large number of email addresses on your database.

GetResponse's pricing is fairly competitive at the entry-level database level — you can host a database containing up to 1,000 email addresses for $15 per month with GetResponse, compared to $29 per month with Aweber and Campaign Monitor. The pricing for Mailchimp’s broadly comparable ‘Standard’ plan is $14.99 per month.

GetResponGetresponse Pricingse's pricing remains competitive as you move up the pricing ladder.

If you have a contact list of 10,000 records, hosting it on GetResponse's 'Basic' plan costs $65 per month.

This is how it works:

Aweber is $4 per month less expensive.

$24 less per month than Campaign Monitor

Mailchimp is $40 cheaper per month (Standard Plan)

Other things to keep in mind when it comes to competitor pricing are:
Some competitors, including Mailchimp and Aweber, provide free accounts for users with a small number of records (note however that these do not offer the full range of features that you get on a paid plan). Getresponse does not yet have a comparable free plan.

Some solutions, such as Mailchimp, charge you to host both subscribed and unsubscribed contacts, which can add up to a significant hidden cost. Getresponse only charges you for the number of active subscribers you have.
If you are willing to pay in advance for one or two years, Getresponse offers significant discounts that other competitors do not.

So, aside from the lack of an entirely free plan, Getresponse performs well in terms of pricing when compared to competitors.

But what about the details?

Key Getresponse characteristics

Getresponse has an unusually large feature set when compared to other email marketing tools — even on its entry-level plan.

Getresponse not only offers all of the essential features of an email marketing platform — list hosting, templates, autoresponders, analytics, and so on — but, as previously stated, it has recently expanded its feature set to the point where it has morphed into an all-in-one marketing and e-commerce solution.

The question is whether all of this adds up to the product being a jack of all trades and master of none.

Let's take a closer look at its key features to find out.


Autoresponders are e-newsletters that are sent to your subscribers at intervals of your choosing.

You can, for example, configure them so that

When someone joins your mailing list, they immediately receive a welcome message from your company.

They may receive a discount offer for some of your products or services a week later.

Three weeks later, they may be encouraged to follow you on social media.

And so forth.


Autoresponder is a key selling point — the product provides some of the most comprehensive autoresponder functionality available.

You can send either time-based or action-based messages; time-based messages include cycles like the one above, while action-based messages can be triggered by user actions or information, such as:



Subscriptions to particular lists

Changes in contact preferences

Completed transactions / goals


Changes in user data

Marketing automation tools

Getresponse offers a more sophisticated option for automatically sequencing emails in addition to the basic ‘drip' style autoresponders mentioned above. This is known as 'Marketing Automation,' and it is available on plus plans or higher.

This feature allows you to create automation workflows using a drag-and-drop builder — basically, you set up an ‘automation flowchart' that instructs GetResponse what to do if a user opens a specific offer, clicks on a specific link, and so on.


GetRespoGetresponsense's marketing automation tool — you can create extremely sophisticated user journeys using a drag-and-drop builder.

The functionality on offer here goes far beyond what has traditionally been available from autoresponders, allowing you to create a completely customizable user journey.

I recommend watching GetResponse's video walkthrough of its entire sales funnel for a quick visual overview of how everything works.

features, below.

GetResponse Email Templates

There are approximately 115 GetResponse templates available, which is less than some competing email marketing solutions (notably Aweber, which offers approximately 700), but they are diverse in nature and the designs are very contemporary (and tweakable).

The email templates are divided into a few categories based on their primary purpose (promoting, educating, selling, etc.).

All of the templates are of high quality, and I would have no reservations about using them for my email campaigns.

There is one notable omission, however: the ability to set "global" styles for headings and text. The template editor currently does not allow you to define heading and paragraph styles that can be reused throughout a document.

On the plus side, the GetResponse email creator lets you use web fonts liberally. A much larger selection of Google Fonts can be used in your e-newsletters than any competing tool I've tested so far.

Given the prevalence of Google fonts in corporate branding these days, this large selection of web fonts will assist many users in creating email campaigns that maintain brand values.

It’s important to remember that not all email programs support the use of web fonts — you can specify a ‘fallback font’ in Getresponse to accommodate those — but in the ones that do, emails created via Getresponse have the potential to look very nice indeed.


GetResponse's new email creator includes a huge selection of web fonts.

Finally, all GetResponse templates are responsive, which means they automatically adjust to the device on which an e-newsletter is being viewed — mobile, tablet, desktop computer, and so on.

There is a preview function available to see how your newsletter will appear on each platform.

Analytical Services

all the benefits of the GetResponse Affiliate Program and Landing Page

GetResponsense provides a good selection of analytics and reporting options.

Of course, you get all the basics — open rate, click-through rate, unsubscribe rate, and so on — but there are some very useful reporting features worth mentioning:

'One-click segmentation': the ability to identify people who did not engage with an e-newsletter you sent and place them in a segment of subscribers to whom you can then a different version of the e-newsletter.

‘metrics over time: you can determine when the majority of your subscribers act on your emails and time future mailouts based on this information

‘email ROI': by adding some tracking code to your site's post-sales page, you can determine how effectively (or ineffectively!) your email campaigns are driving sales, and calculate your return on investment in email marketing.

per-user data — by clicking on one of your subscribers, you can see where they signed up, where they live, and which emails they've opened in the past.

e-newsletter performance comparison — It is very simple to compare the performance of two e-newsletters side by side.

Mailchimp and Aweber both provide some reporting functionality, particularly for sales tracking, but Getresponse's reporting tool is unquestionably one of the most comprehensive.

Split testing is a term used to describe the process

Split testing entails sending variants of your e-newsletters to some of your subscriber lists, tracking their performance, and then sending the 'best' version to the rest of your list.


GetResponse's split testing

GetResponse lets you run split tests with up to five subject headers or content variants. During a split test, however, you can only use one variable at a time; for example, you can pit two emails with different subject headers against each other, but both versions of the email must contain the same content.

Other email marketing tools are more flexible in this regard, allowing you to test with more variables (such as send time or sender name) or the option to mix variables during tests.

Designer of landing pages

Online advertising campaigns that use landing pages will typically generate far more leads if, instead of simply directing people to an information-packed website, they point users to attractive ‘squeeze pages' containing clear information and a clean, well-designed data capture form.

GetRespoGetresponsense provides something very useful that many of its competitors do not: a landing page creator (that is also mobile-friendly).

It can not only be used to create squeeze pages but it can also be used to compare the conversion rates of these pages in real-time and roll out the best performing one. This can have a huge impact on the number of leads you capture and the reach of your email campaign.

Similar products frequently necessitate the use of a third-party landing page creation tool, such as Unbounce or Instapage, to achieve this type of functionality, so the inclusion of the landing page feature is a very useful — and cost-saving — piece of functionality to have in your email marketing toolbox.


GetResponse’s Landing Page Creator

Most importantly, GetResponGetResponsese's landing functionality is available on all plans. Given that leading landing page tools Unbounce and Instapage start at $80 and $199 per month, respectively, there are significant savings to be had here.

Your landing pages can be linked to a variety of analytics tools and cookies, including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Kissmetrics, and your Facebook pixel.

And there are 180 landing page templates to choose from, which, like Getresponse's email templates, are very professional and modern in appearance (particularly the more recently introduced ones).

However, there are a few issues with the landing page creator that must be addressed.

First and foremost, the interface is not particularly intuitive — in fact, it is quite clunky.

Second, you'll almost always need to create separate desktop and mobile versions of your landing pages.

This is a good thing in some ways because it allows you to hide parts of your landing page that you don't want mobile users to see. However, doing so is a rather fiddly process.

Finally, while you can use analytics cookies on your GetresponsGetresponsee landing page, such as the Facebook pixel, it is not possible to do so in a GDPR-compliant manner.

To comply with the EU's GDPR cookie requirements (as well as some US data protection laws), you must provide users with a clear mechanism to opt-in or out of cookie use. Getresponse does not allow you to do this; the best you can do is notify users that cookies are being used on a landing page.

In essence, many Getresponse users, particularly those in the EU, will be breaking the law if they add their Facebook pixel to a Getresponse landing page. This is far from ideal, and Getresponse should address the situation as soon as possible.

So, while the landing page is a great feature in many ways, it is let down a little by the interface, particularly the lack of a proper cookie consent banner.

Webinars are a type of online seminar.

GetResponse has recently added the ability to host webinars on its platform.

Given that webinars can be used as both a lead-generation tactic and a revenue-generating feature, the idea of having your email database and your webinar tool under one roof is very appealing.

In comparison to established webinar solutions, the pricing is also very competitive. For example, Gotowwebinarebinar, one of the most popular webinar hosting services, charges $59 per month to host webinars with up to 100 participants. You can do the same — and a lot more — with Getresponse, which starts at $49 per month.

In terms of attendee limits, the Getresponse ‘Plus' plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 100 participants; the ‘Professional' plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 300 participants; the ‘Enterprise' plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 500 participants.

you can also add webinars functionality to the ‘Basic' plan as an add-on: A limit of 100 attendees is purchased for $40 per month, and a limit of 500 attendees is purchased for $99 per month (note however that these add-ons may not be available to all users in North America).

If I’m honest, because I’ve found some aspects of the

Getresponse free trialonse interface — especially landing pages — a little bit clunky in the past, I wasn’t expecting that much from the webinars feature.

But I was pleasantly surprised: the webinar interface and functionality are excellent — on par with any dedicated platform I've used in the past for online meetings or webinars.

Here are a few Getresponse webinar features that are particularly useful:

The fact that your attendees do not need to install any software to participate in the webinars one-click recording of your webinars screen sharing functionality

Video sharing capability (YouTube)

Uploading Powerpoint presentations to Getresponse for use during a webinar

Online storage for playback files is provided for free.

On the downside,

On the ‘Professional' or higher plan, you can only run paid webinars (i.e., where viewers must pay for access).

The 500 attendee limit is the absolute maximum; there is no way to increase this limit by purchasing an add-on.

The file storage limits for recorded webinars aren't particularly generous — 3 hours on the 'Plus' plan, 6 on the 'Professional' plan, and 10 on the 'Enterprise' plan. As with the attendee cap, it appears that there is no way to raise this limit.

Despite these limitations, webinar functionality is a very useful feature to have in your email marketing arsenal, and its inclusion as a feature arguably gives Getresponse a significant competitive advantage.

The fact that your email list is fully integrated with your webinar broadcasting tool is a significant plus, and the quality of this feature is pleasantly surprising.

Let's take a look at another feature that is unique to Getresponse: "conversion funnels."

Getresponse lets you run split tests with up to five subject headers or content variants. During a split test, however, you can only use one variable at a time — for example, you can test two emails with different subject headers against each other, but both versions of the email must contain the same content.

Other email marketing tools are more flexible in this regard, allowing you to test with more variables (such as send time or sender name) or the option to mix variables during tests.

Designer of landing pages

Online advertising campaigns that use landing pages will typically generate far more leads if, instead of simply directing people to an information-packed website, they point users to attractive ‘squeeze pages' containing clear information and a clean, well-designed data capture form.

Getresponse offers something very useful in this regard than many of its competitors don’t: a landing page creator (and one that’s mobile-friendly too).

It can not only be used to create squeeze pages but it can also be used to compare the conversion rates of these pages in real-time and roll out the best performing one. This can have a huge impact on the number of leads you capture and the reach of your email campaign.

Similar products frequently necessitate the use of a third-party landing page creation tool, such as Unbounce or Instapage, to achieve this type of functionality, so the inclusion of the landing page feature is a very useful — and cost-saving — piece of functionality to have in your email marketing toolbox.


Getresponse’s Landing Page Creator

Most importantly, Getresponse's landing functionality is available on all plans. Given that leading landing page tools Unbounce and Instapage start at $80 and $199 per month, respectively, there are significant savings to be had here.

Your landing pages can be linked to a variety of analytics tools and cookies, including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Kissmetrics, and your Facebook pixel.

And there are 180 landing page templates to choose from, which, like Getresponse's email templates, are very professional and modern in appearance (particularly the more recently introduced ones).

However, there are a few issues with the landing page creator that must be addressed.

all the benefits of the GetResponse Affiliate Program and Landing Page

First and foremost, the interface is not particularly intuitive — in fact, it is quite clunky.

Second, you'll almost always need to create separate desktop and mobile versions of your landing pages.

This is a good thing in some ways because it allows you to hide parts of your landing page that you don't want mobile users to see. However, doing so is a rather fiddly process.

Finally, while you can use analytics cookies on your Getresponse landing page, such as the Facebook pixel, it is not possible to do so in a GDPR-compliant manner.

To comply with the EU's GDPR cookie requirements (as well as some US data protection laws), you must provide users with a clear mechanism to opt-in or out of cookie use. Getresponse does not allow you to do this; the best you can do is notify users that cookies are being used on a landing page.

In essence, many Getresponse users, particularly those in the EU, will be breaking the law if they add their Facebook pixel to a Getresponse landing page. This is far from ideal, and Getresponse should address the situation as soon as possible.

So, while the landing page is a great feature in many ways, it is let down a little by the interface, particularly the lack of a proper cookie consent banner.
Getresponse recently added the ability to host wGet?Responseebinars on its platform.

Given that webinars can be used as both a lead-generation tactic and a revenue-generating feature, the idea of having your email database and your webinar tool under one roof is very appealing.

In comparison to established webinar solutions, the pricing is also very competitive. For example, Gotowebinar, one of the most popular webinar hosting services, charges $59 per month to host webinars with up to 100 participants. You can do the same — and a lot more — with Getresponse, which starts at $49 per month.

In terms of attendee limits, the Getresponse ‘Plus' plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 100 participants; the ‘Professional' plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 300 participants; the ‘Enterprise' plan allows you to host a webinar with up to 500 participants.


The Getresponse webinars interface

You can also add webinars functionality to the ‘Basic' plan as an add-on: A limit of 100 attendees is purchased for $40 per month, and a limit of 500 attendees is purchased for $99 per month (note however that these add-ons may not be available to all users in North America).

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from the webinars feature because I've found some aspects of the Getresponse interface — particularly landing pages — to be a little clunky in the past.

But I was pleasantly surprised: the webinar interface and functionality are excellent — on par with any dedicated platform I've used in the past for online meetings or webinars.

Here are a few Getresponse webinar features that are particularly useful:

The fact that your attendees do not need to install any software to participate in the webinars

Record your webinars with a single click.

Screen sharing capability

Video sharing capability (YouTube)

Uploading Powerpoint presentations to Getresponse for use during a webinar

Online storage for playback files is provided for free.

On the downside,

On the ‘Professional' or higher plan, you can only run paid webinars (i.e., where viewers must pay for access).

The 500 attendee limit is the absolute maximum; there is no way to increase this limit by purchasing an add-on.

The file storage limits for recorded webinars aren't particularly generous — 3 hours on the 'Plus' plan, 6 on the 'Professional' plan, and 10 on the 'Enterprise' plan. As with the attendee cap, it appears that there is no way to raise this limit.

Despite these limits, webinar functionality is a very useful feature to have in your email marketing arsenal and its inclusion as a feature arguably gives Getresponse a very significant edge over its key competitors.

The fact that your email list is fully integrated with your webinar broadcasting tool is a significant plus, and the quality of this feature is pleasantly surprising.

Let's take a look at another feature that is unique to Getresponse: "conversion funnels."

Conversion funnels are a type of marketing funnel.

Another recent Getresponse feature is ‘conversion funnels,' which is a significant departure for the product.

This is because, to some extent, it transforms Getresponse from an email marketing platform to a platform for running an entire e-commerce business.

The concept behind this feature is that you can do the following without leaving the Getresponse environment:

Make a product catalog.

Create and manage Facebook advertising campaigns

Make landing pages.

Subscribers should be added to an autoresponder cycle.

Drive traffic to sales pages (also created in Getresponse)

Accept payment for goods

If necessary, send abandoned cart emails.

In other words, Getresponse aims to provide you with a simple way to create an online store and an accompanying sales funnel without the use of any other apps.

The conversion funnel feature is available on all plans; however, the version available on the ‘Basic' plan only allows you to create one funnel and does not allow you to use the abandoned cart recovery feature (which automatically emails people who added an item to their cart only to not complete their purchase).

This feature can be integrated with third-party platforms such as Shopify, BigCommerce, and Etsy if desired.

As it stands, this feature is probably best suited to ‘solopreneurs' or small businesses looking for an all-in-one option for creating all the assets needed to create a sales funnel, all the way up to converting subscribers into customers.

Merchants with large product catalogs and extensive e-commerce requirements, on the other hand, are probably better off using a dedicated e-commerce platform like BigCommerce or Shopify for the actual selling part of the mix.

Integrations and apps

If you want to integrate Getresponse with another platform or tool, there are approximately 150 integrations available to assist you.

These can be used to connect Getresponse to popular e-commerce and content management systems, such as Shopify and WordPress, as well as some CRM systems, such as Capsule and Highrise.

There are also several useful Google integrations, such as the ability to import contacts, add Google Analytics tags to an email campaign, and link your landing pages to Google Ads to better measure the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns.

Many of these integrations are ‘official' Getresponse integrations that work right away — but keep in mind that many of them require the use of a third-party tool like Zapier to connect. (This may incur additional costs.)

Another way to integrate Getresponse with another system is if you have development skills.— is by using its API (Application Programming Interface). This allows you to send and receive data to and from Getresponse in any way that is appropriate for your application.

Data administration and delivery

Processes of opt-in

To add subscribers to a mailing list, you can use either a ‘single opt-in‘ or a ‘double opt-in‘ process.

If you use a single opt-in process, the person who signs up is added to your mailing list as soon as they click the submit button on your sign-up form. This method is effective for growing a list, but it may attract fake signups.

A double opt-in process sends the person who signs up for your list an email with a confirmation link that he or she must click before being subscribed. This reduces the number of spammy signups, but it may also reduce the size of your list overall.

The good news is that Getresponse allows you to use either opt-in approach, which is not true of all competing products. So a thumbs up to Getresponse for being flexible on this.

What is the most cost-effective Getresponse plan?

The ‘Plus' plan is most likely the ‘sweet spot' in the lineup of the plans under consideration. This is because it unlocks the majority of Getresponse's feature set while remaining reasonably priced.
This plan's two key features, automation building, and webinars, make the upgrade from 'Basic' particularly worthwhile. (However, you can only charge for webinars if you have a 'Pro' plan.)

You can try out the ‘Plus’ plan here.

Forms and data collection

Forms in Getresponse can be used in two ways: you can add an HTML form that you style yourself, or you can design your form in Getresponse (picking from a decent range of templates and tweaking them to match your site design).

If you choose the latter option, you can add the form to your site by using a snippet of Javascript code to display your form; this form can be presented in a variety of different formats (for example inline, pop-up, or slide-up).

You can capture data into standard Getresponse fields or, if you prefer, populate custom fields using both HTML and javascript forms.

These javascript forms are quite nice. You can create desktop and mobile versions, and you can style them with a reasonable selection of web fonts. You can also enable a spambot-blocking CAPTCHA feature, which helps prevents fake signups.

Getresponse form

Getresponse, on the other hand, provides no controls for turning pop-up forms on or off on specific devices or individual pages of your website.

Given Google's stance on pop-ups on smartphones (which causes sites to be penalized in search results if they display "intrusive interstitials" on mobile devices), this is cause for concern.

A workaround is to connect Getresponse to a growth-hacking tool, of which there are many (Sumo or Privvy being well-known examples). This allows you to disable pop-ups for mobile users, as well as customize forms and control which pages they appear on. However, this is not ideal because it incurs an additional cost.

Of course, if you're integrating Getresponse with a CMS and using a forms package, this may not be an issue — for example, WordPress users could connect a tool like Gravity Forms (which gives you a lot of control over form appearance) to Getresponse via its API.

Options for data segmentation

One of my favorite features of Getresponse is the ability to send emails to multiple segments of subscribers at the same time (or indeed exclude multiple segments). This is not true of some of Getresponse's main competitors, such as Mailchimp and Aweber.

For example, say you have a subscriber list in Getresponse that you’ve divided up into four segments:

– Segment A
– Segment B
– Segment C
– Segment D

Using Getresponse, you can easily message segments A, B, and C all at once (you just tick three relevant checkboxes). You could also message segments B and C while ignoring segment D.

Not only can you message/exclude multiple segments at the same time, but you can also do so with individual lists — for example, if you had three separate mailing lists on Getresponse, you could mail individuals across all three.

This level of adaptability distinguishes Getresponse from its competitors and allows you to fine-tune your email campaign audience to the nth degree — of the similar products I've reviewed thus far, only Campaign Monitor offers a comparable level of adaptability (and one which comes at a much higher price).

This flexibility is possibly one of the most compelling reasons to choose Getresponse over key competitor Mailchimp, which does not allow you to use advanced segmentation features unless you are on the prohibitively expensive ‘Mailchimp Premium' plan.

Deliverability of Getresponse:

When selecting an email marketing tool, the email deliverability rate — the percentage of e-newsletters sent that successfully reach your subscribers' inboxes — is obviously an important factor to consider.

Not all email marketing providers are open about their deliverability rates; however, Getresponse appears to be fairly open about it, with this to say about it on their website:

We are frequently asked about the consistency of our delivery rate. Because deliverability is affected by a variety of factors, including the content of your messages, the deliverability rate may differ for each mailing. For all our customers collectively, however, we are proud to say our overall deliverability rate currently stands at 99%.

Obviously, you are going to have to take the company’s word for this, but assuming it’s true, it’s a good deliverability rate and inspires confidence that the vast majority of emails you send in a Getresponse email campaign will reach their intended recipients.

Furthermore, Getresponse actually gives you the deliverability rate of each message on your email analytics — this is something I haven’t encountered on competing products’ metrics. A thumbs up for this.

All the benefits of the GetResponse Affiliate Program and Landing Page

Finally, Custom DKIM — an authentication technique designed to improve email security for both senders and recipients — is available on all Getresponse plans. This can help to improve deliverability even more.

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation.

Because of the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rules, email marketing has become slightly more complicated, as there are stricter rules about what constitutes consent to receive e-newsletters (and requirements about how that consent is logged).

Getresponse deserves praise for providing users with clear information about their GDPR obligations, as well as special GDPR fields that make it easier to log consent and comply with the regulations.

Additionally, you this ensures that a user is only granted access after successfully presenting two or more pieces of information, such as a password and a code generated by a smartphone authentication app.

Given that data security is a key component of GDPR, this is a useful feature to have.

On the negative side, Getresponse's landing page feature is not GDPR compliant if you use a Facebook pixel in conjunction with it — so there is definitely room for improvement here.

User-friendliness / interface

Getresponse is generally simple to use. This wasn't always the case, but its interface was recently redesigned, and its menu system is now relatively simple, with key features easily accessible.



Getresponse's main features are listed in the menu.

It's certainly simple to do all of the fundamentals in Getresponse: import contacts, create an email campaign, configure autoresponders, and view statistics. As previously stated, segment management is particularly strong.

And the learning curve for Getresponse's more advanced features, such as its marketing automation tools, isn't too steep.

However, Getresponse's form designer and landing page creator tools could still use an update — unlike the majority of the product's features, they haven't been significantly improved as part of the interface redesign. They could be easier to use.

In terms of how the Getresponse interface compares to those of its competitors, I would argue that Campaign Monitor's interface is more user-friendly, and the Mailchimp interface is more visually appealing. In terms of look and feel, Aweber's interface is probably the closest.

Historically, Getresponse's main usability flaw was its email editor, which was clunky and buggy.

Getresponse's new email creator outperforms its predecessor.

However, the new version of the email creator has significantly improved things — it has a cleaner, more intuitive drag and drop interface; it does not crash; it is simple to use. It's probably not as good as some competing apps' offerings, but it's perfectly adequate.

Customer service

Until recently, Getresponse customer support was among the most comprehensive available for email marketing tools: the company provided phone support, live chat support, email support, and a variety of online tutorials and resources.

Unfortunately, phone support is no longer available (unless you have the enterprise-level "Max" plan). Instead, you'll have to rely on live chat (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or email support.

On the plus side, I've had nothing but positive experiences with Getresponse's chat service — I've never had to wait long to speak with an agent, and everyone I've dealt with has a solid technical understanding of the platform.

Getresponse's email support is also available in 8 languages, which is commendable. English, Polish, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese is among them.

How effective is the Getresponse free trial?
Getresponse, like many competing email marketing products, is free to try before you buy.

The free trial period is 30 days long and allows you to use a list of up to 1,000 subscribers.

You can sign up for the free trial here.

Conclusion of the Getresponse review

Overall, Getresponse is one of the more affordable options for hosting and communicating with an email database. It is competitively priced in its market, and it is also one of the more interesting products of its kind in that it combines email marketing, automation, landing pages, e-commerce, sales funnels, and webinars.

It's difficult to think of a competing email marketing solution that provides this "all-around" offering. and its free trial length of 30 days is generous too.

I've been particularly impressed by Getresponse's webinar functionality — it's feature-rich and incredibly affordable for what it is.

However, some enhancements to Getresponse are required.

The most important thing Getresponse should consider is implementing a GDPR-compliant cookie consent mechanism for landing pages.

The interface of the landing pages could also benefit from an overhaul — it could be much more user-friendly.

I'd also like to see more controls added to Getresponse's data capture forms — you should be able to toggle them on and off on mobile.

I'll summarise this Getresponse review by listing the main benefits and drawbacks of using the product.

Getresponse's advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Using Getresponse

It's fairly simple to use.

As long as you are willing to use a 'Basic' plan, Getresponse is significantly less expensive than many of its key competitors (in some cases, significantly more so) while offering just as much, if not more functionality.

The discounts you receive when paying for one or two years of service in advance are extremely generous — you'll be hard-pressed to find comparable discounts from key competitors.

When it comes to marketing automation, you get some really advanced features.

Its adaptable approach to data segmentation makes list management a breeze — it outperforms many competitors in this regard.

Getresponse's webinar functionality is fantastic, and a genuine USP — I haven't seen this functionality on comparable products.

Its 'Conversion Funnel' feature could be useful for small businesses that want to manage all aspects of their social media ads, sales funnels, and e-commerce activity in one place.
It has extensive reporting capabilities.

Getresponse is open about its deliverability rates, publishing figures on its website, and offering deliverability statistics for the e-newsletters you send

All Getresponse plans include a useful (if fiddly) landing page creator with A/B testing capabilities, which could save you a lot of money.

All plans include custom DKIM.

Support is available in several languages.

It works well with Google Analytics and other metric software.

Except for adequate cookie consent features on its landing pages, it meets GDPR requirements fairly well.

You can try out all the Getresponse features free for 30 days without the need to enter credit card details.

The disadvantages of using Getresponse

The drag-and-drop interfaces for creating landing pages and forms are a little clumsy and could be improved.

You can use the Facebook pixel with Getresponse's landing page feature, but not in a GDPR-compliant manner.

Improvements could be made to the way data capture forms work so that users on mobile devices have the option of turning them on or off.

There is a hard limit of 500 webinar participants.

There is no phone support (unless you have a "Max" plan).

Split testing functionality is limited to subject headers and content; it would be nice to be able to test sender and send time as well.

A third-party syncing tool, such as Zapier, is used in many Getresponse integrations.

Alternatives to GetResponse

Without mentioning some of the alternatives, no Getresponse review would be complete.
Aweber, Mailchimp, and Campaign Monitor are examples of well-known competitors to Getresponse.

Aweber is the most basic of the three tools mentioned above, but it is a solid and dependable offering. Its main advantage over Getresponse is that it includes phone support and now offers a free plan (which you can use to host a maximum of 500 contacts).

Except for webinars, Mailchimp offers a feature set that is broadly similar to Getresponse; the main advantage it has over Getresponse is that it integrates more easily with other services. However, it is costly, and Mailchimp charges you for every contact on your list, including those who have unsubscribed. For a detailed comparison of the two tools, see our Getresponse vs Mailchimp post.

Campaign Monitor is another pricey option, but it does have some lovely templates and a very user-friendly interface.

Now it's your turn!

Do you have any questions about Getresponse that we can help you with? Or do you have any Getresponse reviews of your own? Simply leave a comment below — we'd love to hear your thoughts or questions.

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